This year, Amsterdam Art Week celebrates its 10th anniversary. In honour of this occasion, we are starting a new tradition: an annual symposium in collaboration with Amsterdam Museum/Refresh Amsterdam and Pakhuis de Zwijger. The symposium will focus on a theme relevant for that year and will take place on the evening prior to the start of Amsterdam Art Week.
The theme of this year is Celebrate Change. In the symposium, we look back on ten years of Amsterdam Art Week and the many developments that have taken place throughout the Amsterdam art scene and speculate on how these will continue in the future. The symposium facilitates a conversation between established museums and galleries, as well as new art initiatives and organizations. During this conversation we question existing definitions of what museums or galleries are, and make space for more fluid forms and practices, which can be seen across the sector today.
Join us for the pre-launch of this new edition of Amsterdam Art Week, in which change is celebrated!
20.00 – 20.10 Kick off symposium + Amsterdam Art Week
Ellis Kat
20.10 – 20.30 Ten years Amsterdam Art Week
In celebration of Amsterdam Art Week’s 10-year anniversary, we reflect on everything that has happened so far with the organization’s current and former directors and discuss their hopes for the future.
Adriana Gonzalez-Hulshof (former director Amsterdam Art)
Nina Folkersma (director Amsterdam Art)
Intermezzo: Emma Talbot – Four Visions for a Hopeful Future
Week 1 ‘A year of dark shadows’
20.30 – 21.00 Materializing Change – New initiatives in the city (panel 1)
In what ways can renewal within Amsterdam’s art scene be recognized? In conversation with representatives of new initiatives of the past ten years in the city, we discuss the ways in which they have implemented change. What changes are necessary right now, and how do they contribute to making those changes? How do these changes relate to the established network of cultural institutions in the city?
Speakers o.a.:
Nina Hama (Hama Gallery)
Rein Wolfs (Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam)
Maru Asmellash (Kazerne Reigersbos)
Kim Tuin (Het Hem)
Intermezzo: Emma Talbot – Four Visions for a Hopeful Future
Week 2 ‘What is a city’
Week 3 ‘Our Own Creation’
21.00 – 21.10 Intermezzo
21.10 – 21.40 Makers & The Market (panel 2)
Change in the infrastructure of art in the city also means change within the practice of makers that work within it. Both in their connection to different institutions, organizations and galleries, as well as by being independent cultural entrepreneurs, makers navigate the market. We’ve seen many significant changes in the infrastructure of art over the years, influenced by factors such as the invention of NFT’s or the COVID-19 pandemic. What changes have makers recognized, and how has this shaped their practice, their ‘brand’, and their relation to institutions and collectors? Do makers need institutions at all anymore?
Raul Balai
Kévin Bray
Afaina de Jong
Intermezzo: Emma Talbot – Four Visions for a Hopeful Future
Week 4 ‘Chorus’
21.40 – 21.50 Futureteller presentation – Imara Limon
What predictions does the futureteller make for this edition of Amsterdam Art Week? This year’s futureteller, curator Imara Limon, will give her predictions on this year’s Amsterdam Art Week. What should we look out for? Where can this year’s theme best be recognized? And what might we expect from next year’s edition, during which another futureteller will be passed the baton?
21.55 – 22.00 Closing Remarks
Practical information
Admission is free
Tickets are available here