In her expressive, figurative painting, Eva Räder (*1978), who was born in Southern Germany, shows a panopticon of existence. The Baselitz student, who lives in Berlin, examines the border areas between the inner and outer world in her paintings. Although Eva Räder’s expressive style moves beyond painting the smooth and purely superficially beautiful, the rich coloring of her works unfolds a highly aesthetic presence. Her partly large-format works reveal a very personal, sensually perceptible painterly gesture. The people, plants, animals and objects shown suggest something narrative, without the viewer fully deciphering the images. A mysticism of its own unfolds. It is a reflection on the world, an approach to the reality of our inner world, reflected in the contemplation of what surrounds us. Eva Räder’s painting is the most beautiful evidence of the suggestive power of figurative painting, which is asserting itself again and again in the present.
(Martin Oswald)