You are cordially invited to the opening of It takes three to tango in the gallery on Saturday 18 January from 5 to 7 pm in presence of the artists.
Tango is not a dance, but a feeling. It is said that if you ask any Argentine tango dancer about the origins of this sensuous dance, they will tell you that tango existed long before music. There are many different stories about the origins of tango, but in all of them, tango seems to be the expression of the desire to embrace the other. Tango is a social dance, a partner dance.
In the exhibition It takes three to tango, the works of three artists, Vicente Baeza (1992, CL), Chaim van Luit (1985, NL) and Dieuwke Spaans (1973, NL) are shown side by side: as different as the works are, they are linked by the idea of space they evoke. The interaction between the individual works runs through the sometimes literal layering of the material, the rhythm in the performance, the combination of lightness and heaviness and the suction of feeling. In It takes three to tango, imagination is the measure of action.