Aysen Kaptanoglu & Jacqueline de Jong| Emily Stevenhagen & Moritz Ebinger| Tara Eva Kuijpers Wentink & Jeroen Henneman
Talk show and exhibition with emerging and established artists led by Gisbert Van Baalen, podcast creator and art entrepreneur.
Last Thursday, April 4, the exhibition “Kringplank” opened at culture club De Kring. Under this heading, three young female artists developed new work especially for De Kring. These three young, promising artists were selected by the Art Committee of De Kring and paired with three established artists who are members of De Kring and act as ‘mentors’. Selected for this first edition of the Kringplank are:
Aysen Kaptanoglu & Jacqueline de Jong
Emily Stevenhagen & Moritz Ebinger
Tara Eva Kuijpers Wentink & Jeroen Henneman
With this mentorship, De Kring realizes intergenerational collaborations within which frameworks are broadened and new connections are made leading to new work made especially for De Kring. Friday, May 31, 2024 these special works and collaborations will be discussed with two couples and the established artists will add work to the exhibition of the three young talents.
18:00 walk-in
18:30 start talk show
19:30 end talkshow, visit exhibition
20:00 official end of the programme, the bar will remain open until late.
This exhibition is made possible by the VDEF fund