Exhibition — Other

Van Ostade Biennale |  Lonneke van der Palen & Sophie Steengracht

30 May up to 30 June 2024
→ Galerie Fleur & Wouter en GoMulan Gallery
Van Ostadestraat 43A
1072 SN Amsterdam
  • Thursday 12:00—18:00
  • Friday 12:00—18:00
  • Saturday 12:00—18:00
Free admission
Open today from 12:00 to 18:00

During Amsterdam Art Week, Galerie Fleur & Wouter & GoMulan Gallery present a living exhibition with works by Lonneke van der Palen and Sophie Steengracht in their shared space. The exhibition is constantly in motion, through a changing mural and as visitors decide the placement of the artworks themselves.

The artistic practice of photographer Lonneke van der Palen (NL, 1985) unfolds as a constantly growing visual research in which one overarching theme is key: material culture and its preserved, unexpected aesthetic beauty. Out of this emerges a dynamically growing visual archive. For this exhibition, Van der Palen chose images from this archive and invites visitors to the exhibition to help shape its presentation. They choose how to combine the pictures on the wall. This creates a constant dialogue between the images and the viewers. 

Van der Palen will also present her first book during Amsterdam Art Week. This can be seen as an exhibition concept within a publication form. Indeed, it consists of loose pages that can be used to create endless combinations and invites you to create an exhibition at home.

Sophie Steengracht (NL, 1991) Shows the changing relationship between humans and their environment. Globalisation and technological change are moving humans further away from natural resources. With her colourful, symbolic paintings, she wants to show the power and beauty of nature and demonstrate that it is worth dealing with it in a respectful and conscious way. In her biodynamic garden, she grows plants that she studies, draws and photographs. She also uses pigments and dried plants from nature in her paintings and works on paper.

During Amsterdam Art Week, Steengracht will create a mural in the gallery space on the theme of transformation within nature. This will be painted during the exhibition and will then be on display in the gallery for another four weeks.