Project Spaces—Nieuw/Oud West


Isolatorweg 17
1014 AS Amsterdam
Get in touch:
  • Thursday 11:00—17:00
  • Friday 11:00—17:00
  • Saturday 11:00—17:00

ISO is a collaborative working arena that includes thirty studios of a multitude of creative professionals, combining a public programme with exhibitions and events. An ever-evolving stage for the (inter)national cultural community founded by curator Florence Parot and designer Dajo Bodisco, that endeavours to disturb the hierarchies between different mediums and unite them in unexpected ways. Electronic music, opera, performance, design and material research, painting and sculpture, installation, dance, video and photography, all converge within a programme where experimentation is precedent. By embracing work that challenges convention, turning towards cutting-edge digital technologies, and different modes of occupying space, the proposed projects subvert the convention of passive spectatorship. Rather than reducing art to streamlined commercial products, the presence of the surrounding artists’ studios allows visitors to see “behind the curtain”. In this way, ISO has a self-generative power for opportunities.

iso is supported by Bureau Broedplaatsen and Amsterdams Fonds voor de Kunst (AFK).