Project Spaces—Centrum


Fokke Simonszstraat 12
1017 TG Amsterdam
Get in touch:
→ +31 6 13680162
  • Saturday 14:00—17:00
  • Sunday 14:00—17:00

Marwan is a collective artist-run project space founded by Tirza Kater and Tim Mathijsen in 2017 and since 2021 run with Dieuwertje Hehewerth.

Marwan is a collective body through which making space is practiced by stretching, shrinking, s l o w i n g, growing limbs, and hibernating. Marwan aims to build sustainable, supportive scaffoldings through which artists in and connected to Amsterdam can practice and celebrate their work. We consider Marwan a collective practice that is materialised in close dialogue with the artists and objects that we host.

Marwan is an ongoing exercise in exhibition making and programme composition that questions notions of production and efficiency that push artist-run spaces into unsustainable modes of work. Marwan’s practice takes shape from the negative space between work, study, and the individual practices of Tim, Tirza, and Dieuwertje. Marwan works from where we are and through what we are personally and collectively able to do, and developing that mode of production through the growing network with whom we work.

Marwan’s 2024 programme is supported by Mondriaan Fund,

and could not exist without AKINCI gallery, Anllel Maria Tanús Guillén, Elki Boerdam, Karin Iturralde Nurnberg, Philipp Gufler, Rieke Vos and its extended community.